Best Licensed Money Lender in Scotts Road
We understand that sometimes, unforeseen circumstances may lead you to have an urgent need for money. These circumstances might arise when you least expect it. The emergency will become even worse if you do not had a rainy day fund set aside. This rainy day fund is also known as an emergency fund. It is a sum of money set aside from your expenses and investments. The rainy day fund will allow you to deal with emergencies that are unexpected, such as your vehicle breaking down. Or perhaps an accident. But we hope not. As i am sure, none of us would like to deal with such emergencies, and we would definitely prevent it if it was possible. But sometimes, you just do not know. And it is better to prepare yourself in cases of such unwanted emergencies.

Thus, what can you do if you DO NOT have such a rainy day fund set aside? We have the answer for you. Why not consider taking a short term loan? There are many licensed money lenders in Singapore that offer these kinds of loans. The terms of the contract are simple and easy to understand for everybody. The interest rates are also much lower when you compare it to the interest rates of the past. Now, the Ministry of Law has introduced a cap on all interest rates, at 3.92%. Thus, it has become a very affordable option for most people to take a short term loan.
MoneyLender in Scotts Road
These personal loans are a good way to help you tide over your crisis. However, if you do want to take a personal loan, it is of utmost importance that you take such a loan only from a reputable money lender. You have to ensure that they have licenses. On top of that, we strongly recommend that you read reviews from a moneylender review website, such as Credit Review. This is so you can ascertain which money lender is likely to provide you with a good terms of contract and excellent service.
From the reviews of our borrowers, it seems that many of our customers think that 1st LG Credit is one of the best moneylenders in Singapore. We have got rave reviews for our low interest rates and great customer service. Thus, if you find yourself in a bind, feel free to visit our office which can be found near Scotts Road. We are the best moneylender in Scotts Road. So drop us a call today, and find out what we can do for you.