1st LG Credit Pte Ltd is one of the most trusted names in the money lending market. Our company is always associated with being reliable and our professionalism. 1st LG Credit Pte Ltd formerly known as Lekshmi Moneylender is establish in 1991! Ministry of Law provided us with the license to operate as a licensed money lender since that very year. We are proud that we are one of the older money lenders in Singapore. Previously located at 25 Norris Road Singapore 208267, we have since move to Lucky Plaza! A much more accessible and convenient location for many especially since it is in Orchard Road.
Throughout the years, we have and still do have a very successful history. This history includes outstanding customer service and ability to help people. All these years, we have service thousands and thousands of clients. Besides helping with our existing loan options, we have also encourage our clients to provide us with feedback. The feedback that our operations staff has received has been well heard by management. Over the years, our higher management has been working hard. What exactly have they been doing? They have been formulating and coming up with new solutions to help you. Besides the standard loan types available, we have come up with specific loans to address specific situations. Check out our types of loans to find something suitable for you.
Right now, we are assisting many people on a daily basis with their cash needs. Our office is located at 16, Kerbau Road, #02-01, Singapore 219155. Located in a super convenient place, we are a licensed money lender in Orchard Road, beautiful town of Singapore. Our doors are open from Monday to Saturday 10AM – 7PM and Close on Sunday. Yup, you read that right! We are open daily and are probably one of the very few money lenders in Singapore doing so! Our management only has you in mind when they decided to open the office doors daily. The feedback from previous clients has lead to the decision to open everyday. This is because the feedback we have received was that it will be even better if we open on the weekends as well. Especially on Sunday. Due to the fact that most people are working during weekdays, it is harder for them.
Our management has heard you! Thus, leading to our office opening daily to cater to your needs. We do not want you rushing down to our office only to find us closed. If you do not have the time to come during weekdays, now you know you will always have the option to drop by during weekends. But please do note that we will not be open during public holidays. We are working towards opening on weekends! Once we have that finalize, we will inform you through our site immediately. Thus, always keep a look out for our site updates. You can do so by checking our website every now and then!
Currently, we have many repeated customers and these customers even refer clients to us. They trust that we will be able to help them and people they know. We are extremely proud whenever we get referrals. This is because we know we are doing something right and helping people!
You can expect 110% professionalism from all our loan consultants. They are all well train in this field. If you are unsure of which loan is more suitable for you, just let them know what is your current situation. With their experience, they will be able to help you select the best loan type for your needs. In addition, they will also advice you on the next best course of action to take for your situation. Not to worry, all our loan consultants, are there to do their best to help you. Besides helping you, we are also in the process of building a trust. We want to build a relationship with all our clients.
We care for the well being of all our clients and want the best for everyone. All our staff constantly undergo review and retraining to ensure that their service is top notch. Place your trust in us and our management, we are definitely one of the best money lender you will be able to find in Orchard Road.
After having a look through the types of loans that we have, if you are still unsure of which loan is more suitable for you, come on down to our office! Our loan consultants will provide you with a one on one free consultation. They will help you analyze your problem. Not to worry, if you still do not find anything suitable for you, you will not be force in to taking a loan.
If you are interested in taking a loan with us, you can find us at
Office Address: 16, Kerbau Road, #02-01, Singapore 219155
Getting here you can take Orchard MRT!
Office telephone: +65 6299 6654
Email: 1stlgcredit@gmail.com
If you are unable to find us, you can always drop us a call! We will be able to direct you to our office 🙂 Don’t forget, we are open on Monday to Saturday 10AM – 7PM and Close on Sunday. Afraid that you may afraid after our closing time? Not a problem, drop us a call and let us know what time you will be able to make it. If it is not too late, our loan consultants will definitely wait for your arrival. We know that your plan for the day may not go as planned. Thus, we are willing to stay open just for you! We understand that anyone looking for a loan may need it urgently and we want to help you with that. By getting the loan, you will be able to solve your immediate problem. Thus, a lesser problem on you!

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